Join our transformative 30-day Praying for Your Husband Challenge and access a free printable PDF for daily guidance and prayers.

What is the 30 day prayer challenge?
The 30 day prayer challenge is a set of prayers, usually around a theme that you do continuously for 30 days. The best prayer challenges are short so you can easily incorporate them every day.
Prayer challenges help you grow in a variety of ways:
- In your prayer life: the more you pray, the more it will become a habit
- In your faith: your faith is likely to grow
- In your trust in God: You will begin to go to him for more than just the challenge
What is the 30 day prayer challenge for husbands?
The 30 day praying for your husband challenge offers specific prayers for each day, based on Bible verses.
It covers a variety of prayers that focus on strengthening your husband’s ability to be a better man, husband, and father. My suggestion is to go through this 30 day praying for your husband challenge with your husband’s particular needs in mind.
What is your husband struggling with most? Add to the daily prayers in this challenge so he may receive even more graces.

This 30 day praying for your husband challenge is unique because it offers you a chance to take your meditation a bit further. Each day has journal prompts that you can use to further understand:
- What you need to ask of God
- What you need to improve on in your marriage
- What you need to be more grateful for
- How you can better serve God through your marriage
What is the most powerful prayer for husbands?
The most powerful prayer for husbands is one that increases their faith and hope. Your husband’s faith will secure his place in the kingdom of heaven and make him a better person while he’s still on earth.
When you have faith and hope, you can tackle a lot more in your life. Even if your husband needs more help or intervention in a different area, starting with his faith is a great way to begin.
30 Ways to pray for your husband
Day 1
In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. Ephesians 5:28
Throughout the Bible, the beautiful unity of marriage is referenced several times. You are one with your husband. Your husband is one with you. Your husband needs to treat you the way he wants to be treated. The way he treats himself.
If your husband doesn’t treat himself with much respect (he’s too hard on himself, doesn’t take care of himself, etc.), you’ll want to change the prayer below a bit. Ask God to help your husband treat his own self and body with respect. And then to show that same kindness to you.
Journal Entry for this day –
How does your husband treat himself? Is this an area he needs to improve on? Do your prayers need to focus on him before you ask God to focus on your husband’s treatment of you?
Day 1 Prayer
Lord, Help my husband to treat me as he would want to be treated. Remind him to treat me with the level of respect that he treats himself with.

Day 2
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1
How does your husband respond to conflict in your marriage or with others? Is he quick to anger or does he show compassion?
God wants us to face anger with calmness, gentleness, and kindness. If this is something your husband already does, then today’s prayer will only help him strengthen it.
If your husband needs to work on this, your prayer today will help guide your husband towards loving compassion in the face of anger.
Journal enter for this day –
How do you respond when someone is angry? Are you calm? Do you take a deep breath?
A lot of times, people mimic what is happening around them. Can you help your husband to be calmer in emotional situations by being calmer yourself?
How is God asking you to handle anger differently? How do you think God wants your husband to handle anger?
Day 2 Prayer
Lord, Remind my husband to be gentle in his words. Calm his anger when it surfaces. Show him the fruits of responding with kindness.
Day 3
Be completely humble and gentle; Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2
This is a great follow up to Day 2. The Lord wants us to have compassion towards each other, not just in the face of adversity.
What is your husband’s patience level with the kids? What about with work? Does he need help showing gentleness to those he sees every day? Today’s prayer focuses on how to follow God’s will to be more kind and calm with others.
Journal entry for this day –
In what ways is your husband humble? Gentle? Patient? Loving to others?
In what ways are you? Which one is God calling you and your husband to improve on?
Day 3 Prayer
Lord, Help my husband to be humble, gentle, and patient. Remind him of these virtues when he goes through tough times. Show him the benefits of these virtues so that he may be more willing to use them in any situation.

Day 4
So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. Matthew 19:6
Marriage is sacred. We can sometimes forget that fact in the day to day to-do list of our lives.
It can be easy to get caught up in what we need to do for work, the kids, or the house. What vacations need to be planned? How can you start saving more money?
But how often do you stop and prioritize your marriage? Do you live with gratitude for your husband in your daily life? Today’s prayer focuses on both of you to help you strengthen your marriage.
Journal entry for this day –
In what ways can you and your husband live in daily reminders of Matthew 19:6? Can you find small ways to connect with each other throughout the day?
Day 4 Prayer
Lord, remind both me and my husband that we are one. We are not separate. Let us live our daily lives with this beautiful reminder.
Day 5
Fathers, do not exasperate your children, instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
Parenting is tough. It can sometimes feel like nothing you do is right because your kids either don’t listen, or talk back, or both.
Maybe it’s time to stop arguing with your kids and start guiding them. Go back to the basics. What does the Lord want from us?
How can your husband best teach these commandments to your children? One great way is to model them himself. Today’s prayer focuses on helping your husband model a love for Christ and his teachings.
Journal entry for this day –
What commandments does your family need to begin practicing more often? How can both you and your husband model these behaviors for them?
Day 5 Prayer
Lord, allow my husband to be the best teacher possible for our children. Let them love You because he loves you. Let them follow You because he follows you. Let our children follow in my husband’s Christian example to live faithful lives.

Day 6
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers Rather, the law of the Lord is his joy; and on his law he meditates day and night. Psalms 1:1-2
How does your husband spend his time? Does he have friends that you do not approve of? Does he spend time in prayer?
Help your husband to stay away from those who will tempt him. Help him to increase his prayer life with today’s prayer.
Journal entry for this day –
Does your husband surround himself with good people? Do you? If you need to change your surroundings, what can you do about it?
Is there a church group you can join? Can you reach out to an old friend?
How much time do you spend in prayer each day? Is there a small prayer you can practice saying every day to slowly increase your time with the Lord?
Day 6 Prayer
Lord, help my husband to stray from temptation. Give him the courage to stay away from evildoers. Instead, help him to focus on You, Lord. Fill his heart and mind with good, Christian thoughts that he can carry with him day and night.
Day 7
Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun - all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun. Ecclesiastes 9:9
Our time is limited. And our lives seem to be flying by, don’t they? Especially once you have kids, time just keeps going faster and faster.
Do you and your husband stop to enjoy your life together? You have both worked so hard to get to where you are. Are you enjoying it?
Journal entry for this day –
How can you and your husband slow down to enjoy today?
Day 7 Prayer
Lord, remind my husband that his time on earth is limited. Allow him to enjoy this life that we have built, together. Fill him with joy when we spend time together. Help us to prioritize each other.

Day 8
To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. 1 Corinthians 7:10-11
The longer you are married, chances are you’ll go through a rough patch or two. Stick to this Bible verse to remind yourself that you made a commitment to each other and to the Lord through your marriage.
Keeping this verse in mind will help you to stop and slow down. Refocus on fighting for your marriage.
Journal entry for this day –
Reflect on a rough patch in your marriage. Is it happening now? If so, what 1 small thing can you do to help better the situation?
If it happened in the past, what helped get you through it? Use that as a reminder for the next time the two of you go through rough time together.
Day 8 Prayer
Lord, never let the word “divorce” enter my husband’s mind. If it does, help him to gently push it away. Help us to follow your command to be faithful to each other for the rest of our lives.
Day 9
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
It’s easy to love easy people. But does your husband have trouble loving difficult people? What about when your husband is stressed or upset?
It can be very hard to love people who are different from you. But God wants us to love everyone. How does your husband need to love more?
Journal entry for this day –
In what ways does your husband struggle to love? How can you help him with this?
In what ways do you struggle to love? What help do you need from God and from your husband?
Day 9 Prayer
Lord, when my husband is at a loss or a low point, remind him to love. Fill him with love. Help him to focus on loving others.

Day 10
Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:13-14
Forgiveness can be tough. But the Lord wants us to forgive over and over again. Does your husband hold onto grudges?
Or maybe he easily forgives but there’s that one person who harmed him in the past and he just can’t bring himself to forgive them? Ask God to open your husband’s heart to forgiveness.
Journal entry for this day –
Do you and your husband forgive each other quickly when you fight? Are you able to truly forgive and “forget” by not harboring ill feelings toward each other?
Who do you need to forgive?
Day 10 Prayer
Lord, soften my husband’s heart. Allow him to forgive easily. Help him to forgive the unforgivable. Guide him in your footsteps as you forgive my husband in his transgressions.
Day 11
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Your marriage began with love. How does your husband who his love? Is he patient and kind? Or does he envy and boast? He is prideful?
How can your husband grow his love in your marriage using this beautiful Bible passage from 1 Corinthians?
Journal entry for this day –
How can you grow your love? What do you need to work on, based on the teachings about love in 1 Corinthians?
Day 11 Prayer
Lord, Help my husband to be patient and kind. Do not let him envy or be boastful. Keep his pride away. Help him to always speak good of and look out for others. Help him be slow to anger and quick to forgive.

Day 12
In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry Ephesians 4:26
We all say things we regret when we’re angry. Does your husband let his anger get the better of him when he’s upset? Does he let his anger linger?
God wants us to be slow to anger. He wants us to stay calm and not let our anger explode. Today’s prayer will help guide your husband onto a more peaceful path.
Journal entry for this day –
Do you let your anger linger? Does your husband? What steps can you both do to help prevent this?
Day 12 Prayer
Lord, fill my husband’s heart with love when he is angry. Do not let him dwell on this anger for too long so that he may return to loving others again.
Day 13
Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children Ephesians 5:1
This short Bible verse reminds us that we are all God’s children. Just as children need to follow their parent’s good example, we should follow God’s.
Human parents have faults. We make mistakes. We’re lucky we have a perfect God to look up to to follow in his sinless example.
Does your husband follow the Lord’s teachings? Today’s prayer focuses on this very simple, yet very important task.
Journal entry for this day –
What commandments does your husband follow easily? What about you?
How can you both use these experiences to help you follow the commandments that are not as easy to follow?
Day 13 Prayer
Lord, help my husband to follow in your commandments and teachings. When he strays, help him find his way back.

Day 14
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8
No one person thinks alike. So how can we all be “like-minded” as the Bible says?
At the very core, we are all the same: we all want to be loved. We are all searching for meaning in our lives. We all appreciate kindness.
If you look hard enough, you can find something in common with almost everyone. So help your husband to stop focusing on the differences between him and others. Help him to love others with compassion and sympathy.
Journal entry for this day –
Think of a person you have trouble connecting with. What is something the two of you have in common?
Day 14 Prayer
Lord, help my husband to choose compassion and love. Help him to find the good in people and sympathize with them.
Day 15
And give no opportunity to the devil. Ephesians 4:27
Don’t give the devil opportunities to tempt you. Help your husband stay away from situations that will lead him to temptation.
Journal entry for this day –
Do the two of you surround yourselves with good people who make you want to be better people? Or are your friends bad influences? What changes can you start to make to stay as far from temptation as possible?
Day 15 Prayer
Lord, keep my husband from the temptations of the devil. Help him recognize right from wrong. Help him choose the good that you want him to do in his life.

Day 16
But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8
You and your husband are providers for the family. You take care of the house and the children. You buy and prepare food. You keep everyone safe.
Does your husband do a good job of providing for the family? If so, today’s prayer will strengthen his drive.
If not, this prayer will help give him the motivation to be there for his family.
Journal entry for this day –
In what ways does your husband take good care of the family? What do you do to provide for the family?
Day 16 Prayer
Lord, remind my husband that he is a provider. Help him to rejoice in caring for the family. Help strengthen his resolve so that we may take care of the household.
Day 17
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
It’s said plainly in the Bible: if you believe in Jesus and that he died for your sins, you’ll be saved. You will have eternal life.
Does your husband believe this? If he struggles to fully accept this, ask yourself why? Does it seem too good to be true?
It’s good to ask questions and to question your faith. In doing so, you’ll learn more about it and will grow. If your husband does not fully accept Jesus, help guide him to figure out why.
Journal entry for this day –
Do you struggle to fully accept Jesus? Why or why not?
Day 17 Prayer
Lord, help my husband to believe in you with all his heart. Help my husband to believe in your Son. Let him accept that Jesus died for him so that he may be saved and one day enter heaven.

Day 18
Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:20-21
Appreciation is important. Everything we have has been given to us by God. When this Bible verse talks about “submitting to one another”, it’s specifically intended for husbands and wives.
Submitting is a sign of respect toward your spouse. You can learn more about it here.
Journal entry for this day –
In what ways can I better “submit” to my husband? In what ways can I have more gratitude in my life?
Day 18 Prayer
Lord, help me and my husband to humbly submit to one another, in thanksgiving and reverence for our loving Father.
Day 19
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
When your husband is struggling or afraid, is he able to put his trust in the Lord? Does he feel God’s presence with him?
It can be easy to remember that God is with us during the good times. And we can easily feel abandoned and alone during the bad. But this verse from the Bible shows us that we are not alone. Today’s prayer focuses on giving your husband strength through his struggles by feeling God’s love.
Journal entry for this day –
How can you help transform your home life into one of trust in the Lord? How can you help your husband and children to be strong and feel God’s presence at all times?
Day 19 Prayer
Lord, be with my husband through times of turmoil and struggle. Give him strength and peace, knowing you are with him always.

Day 20
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
This is a great follow up from Day 19. Your husband can do anything because he is strengthened by the Lord.
What has your husband been struggling with lately? Has his job been extra stressful? Have the kids been challenging his resolve?
You and your husband can through it because God strengthens you.
Journal entry for this day –
What struggles do you have today? How can you remind yourself that the Lord strengthens you to get through it?
Day 20 Prayer
Lord, help my husband to feel strong. Help him to feel your love and live in the beautiful knowledge that he can tackle anything that comes his way because of You.
Day 21
Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Matthew 6:25
Husbands tend to put a lot of pressure on themselves to provide for their families. Our lives can be stressful and anxiety-inducing at times.
It’s important to remember that these are earthly things. What truly matters is your devotion to the Lord and how you raise your family to follow God.
Can you spend a little less time worrying about dinner and use that time for prayer instead? What earthly anxieties does your husband need help with?
Journal entry for this day –
What stressors and anxieties can you let go of? What can you replace them with instead?
Day 21 Prayer
Lord, help my husband to release his early anxieties and stressors. Let me offer them up to you. Fill him with love and strength so that he may devote more time to you and less time in worry.

Day 22
Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord. Song of Solomon 8:6
This verse in the Song of Solomon is about a woman asking a man to be bound to him. She does not just want to be part of him. She wants to be with everything that he is.
It’s a beautiful reminder of how close you become when you marry. You are truly one. Today’s prayer is one of strength for your marriage.
Journal entry for this day –
Do you feel separate from your husband?
Day 22 Prayer
Lord, strengthen our marriage. Let me become a whole person with my husband. Deepen our bond so that we may emanate your love.
Day 23
Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. 1 Peter 3:4
God wants us to focus less of our attention on material possessions and more on the gentle spiritual aspects of our lives. Since this verse is more geared towards women, today’s prayer is actually for you!
This Bible verse doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t wear makeup or do your hair. What matters is that you are working on your faith and spiritual life too. That “adornment” is more important.
By focusing on how you can become more of a godly woman, you become a better wife for your husband.
Journal entry for this day –
What inward “adornment” can you focus on more?
Day 23 Prayer
Lord, help me to lead a life of inward and gentle spirituality so that I may be the best wife and mother for my family.

Day 24
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you Matthew 6:3-4
I love this passage from the Bible. It’s my favorite from the Ash Wednesday readings. The Lord wants us to give to others and to Him. But He doesn’t want you to flaunt this giving.
Does your husband seek praise for his good deeds? Does he need to work on being more humble? If your husband is already pretty humble, today’s prayer will only reinforce this behavior.
Journal entry for this day –
How can you be more humble in your giving? Do you need to begin with giving more in the first place? How can you and your husband work together to reach this behavioral goal?
Day 24 Prayer
Lord, help my husband to have a humble heart. Allow him to be giving. Allow his giving to be humble. Help him to maintain this gentle generosity throughout this life so that he may teach our children to do the same.
Day 25
(but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?), 1 Timothy 3:5
First and foremost, a husband takes care of his family. God sees this as an extremely high priority.
Has the weight of this responsibility been wearing your husband down? Since we’ve prayed over a similar topic (in Day 16), I wanted to offer a different spin on this. Today’s prayer focuses on helping your husband bear the weight of this immense responsibility.
Journal entry for this day –
How do you feel you and your husband are managing the household? Does it stress you out? Does it bring you joy?
Day 25 Prayer
Lord, help my husband rejoice in the responsibility to take care of the household. Do not let it weigh him down. Instead, let him be lifted with joy.

Day 26
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? Matthew 6:26
You are valuable. Your husband is valuable. If God takes care of little birds, He definitely takes care of you!
Does your husband know his worth in the Lord’s eyes? Does he feel loved and safe? Do you?
Journal entry for this day –
How can you remind yourself of God’s love for you? How can you remember your worth?
Day 26 Prayer
Lord, help my husband to feel your love. Help him to know his value in Your divine eyes. Let him feel safe, knowing you are watching over him.
Day 27
for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8
It’s great to take care of our bodies. After all, God does want us to take care of ourselves! But it’s important to remember that our spirituality is what’s more important.
Does your husband need to refocus his priorities? Or does he put his spirituality above other things like his diet and exercise plan?
Journal entry for this day –
Find some spiritual monthly challenges to help you and your husband grow together in your faith.
Day 27 Prayer
Lord, help my husband to prioritize his faith over everything else. Remind him of the promises of the life to come.

Day 28
So, remove grief and anger from your heart and put away pain from your body, because childhood and the prime of life are fleeting. Ecclesiastes 11:10
Everything eventually comes to an end. This can be a comforting notion if you’ve been experiencing tough emotions such as grief, anger, or pain.
Does your husband hold onto anger or grief? Or does he need to be reminded that he will heal and one day join the Lord?
Journal entry for this day –
What grief, anger, or pain in your life do you hold onto? How can you let go of this and give it to the Lord?
Day 28 Prayer
Lord, guide my husband through any grief, anger, or pain that may be burdening him. Allow him to be comforted by your love.
Day 29
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. Hebrews 6:10
God sees all, the good and the bad. He sees when you help others. He sees when you worship Him and hold Him in your heart.
The Lord sees what your husband does every day. He will be rewarded for his dedication to you and your family. He will be rewarded for his love of Christ.
Today’s prayer is in thanksgiving for the Lord’s watchful eye over your husband.
Journal entry for this day –
Do you need to be reminded of God’s presence in your life? What changes can you make in your home to remind the whole family that God sees all and is watching over you?
Day 29 Prayer
Lord, thank you for seeing my husband’s good deeds. Thank you for being there every day as he strives to serve You and our family.

Day 30
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased Hebrews 13:16
We end this 30 day praying for your husband challenge with a final reminder to do good unto others.
Does your husband strive to do good for others? Does he need reminding that God is pleased with all of his sacrifices? Husbands do a lot for our families so I want to end the challenge with a simple prayer to help your husband remember that he is doing a great job! 🙂
Journal entry for this day –
What good deeds does your husband do that you are thankful for? How does he serve others?
Day 30 Prayer
Lord, open my husband’s heart to giving. Remind him that You are pleased with his sacrifices. Help us to appreciate his sacrifices more.
30 Day prayer challenge for your husband pdf
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Final thoughts: 30 day praying for your husband challenge
I hope you enjoyed this challenge! I enjoyed writing it 🙂
Our husbands do a lot for our families and they deserve to be prayed for a little extra! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I love hearing from my readers! If you enjoyed this challenge and want more of these, let me know!
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